
part of shnell – a source to source compiler enhancement tool

© Jens Gustedt, 2017-2019

the list of valid shnell extensions

This file list all shnell extensions that are accepted. They are usually invoked by a pragma inside the C source. For example a pragma

#pragma CMOD amend do I = 5
#pragma CMOD done

would unroll the code between the two pragma 5 times and replace the occurence of ${I} by the current number. (See regVar for meta-variables.)

Corresponding scripts are run as they are listed here. Arguments to the directive are passed through the environment variable CMOD_EXTENSION_ARGUMENTS, but are better handled through the arguments module.

The identifier for an extension must follow the same rules as for C identifiers and should generally not be reserved.

Simple directives for demonstrative purposes

the simplest “extension”, copy the source over, ignore all the arguments


copy the source over and echo all arguments of the directive to stderr

hello = ${EXEDIR}/

comment all the source in the directive

comment=sed s+^+//+

ignore all the source in the directive

ignore = ${EXEDIR}/

an invalid extension because there remains a $

invalid = EXEDIR/hello


specialize code for a list of values that an identifier takes

specialize = ${EXEDIR}/

specialize code for a list of ranges of values that an identifier takes

ranges = ${EXEDIR}/

foreach code for a list of values

foreach = ${EXEDIR}/

do loop for a specified number of values

do = ${EXEDIR}/


evaluate an expression

let = ${EXEDIR}/

bind variables to values

bind = ${EXEDIR}/

Meta directives to organize shnell dialects

add short cuts to avoid the amend meta directive

dialect = ${EXEDIR}/

re-valuate a whole source blob

eval = ${EXEDIR}/

load text snippets from files load = ${EXEDIR}/

generate mangled names, experimental

module = ${EXEDIR}/

generate internal names, experimental

intern = ${EXEDIR}/

import names from other modules, experimental

using = ${EXEDIR}/

create shortcut for module name, experimental

rename = ${EXEDIR}/

Targeted source replacement

factor all decimal integers, toy

factor = ${EXEDIR}/

compute simple constant expressions, semi-toy

compute = ${EXEDIR}/

compute expressions by using the POSIX bc tool

bc = ${EXEDIR}/

Environment and configuration

add POSIX configuration variables

getconf = ${EXEDIR}/

evaluate environment variables

env = ${EXEDIR}/

obtain the bytes of the git hash of the source file

gitID = ${EXEDIR}/

C language specific tools

add enum configuration variables

enum = ${EXEDIR}/

Implement C and C++ attributes by translating them to compiler specifics

attribute = ${EXEDIR}/

Put all code onto a single physical line, use this to construct #define

oneline = ${EXEDIR}/

Put all code onto a single logical line, use this to construct #define

logicalline = ${EXEDIR}/

Trade: simple naming naming enforcement for im- and export

The TRADE dialect and the trade commandline interface use export and implicit directives to ensure that each TU /exports/ properly named identifiers and is able to import from other TU by simple implicit naming conventions.

introduce prefix naming conventions

export = ${EXEDIR}/

make names private, can only be used with export

private = ${EXEDIR}/

introduce short names for other TU, can only be used with export

alias = ${EXEDIR}/

import headers from other TU implicitly

implicit = ${EXEDIR}/

introduce short names for legacy TU, can only be used with implicit

legacy = ${EXEDIR}/

establich startup handlers, can only be used with implicit

startup = ${EXEDIR}/

establish atexit handlers, can only be used with implicit

atexit = ${EXEDIR}/

establish local handlers, can only be used with implicit

local = ${EXEDIR}/

Other directives

bring generic selection to C++

generic_selection = ${EXEDIR}/

translate C++ lambda to gcc’s nested functions

lambda = ${EXEDIR}/

normalize C code such that all control constructs use compound statements

normalize = ${EXEDIR}/

define a holdback for a lambda expression

holdback = ${EXEDIR}/

tentatively define a preprocessor macro

define = ${EXEDIR}/

run the depending code through the C preprocessor

preprocess = ${EXEDIR}/

run the depending code through the C preprocessor

preprocess = ${EXEDIR}/