

part of shnell – a source to source compiler enhancement tool

© Jens Gustedt, 2019

frontend for source-to-source amendment with #pragma

Usage: $0 file1 [file2 ...]

The result of the processing is written to stdout.

Coding and configuration

The following code is needed to enable the sh-module framework.

SRC="$_" . "${0%%/${0##*/}}/"

imports We are using the following components of the sh-module system:


The following sh-modules are imported:


Tuning Per default the output is indented by using astyle, if that is found in the executable path. You can use other programs for that, they just have to read the source on stdin and produce the output on stdout.

STYLE=whereis -b "${STYLE:-astyle}"

Per default, all #pragma are annotated with a #line directive early in the game. By that later compilation phase can always refer to the lines in the orginal source file in case of errors.

This has the disadvantage of making the output a bit ugly. You may switch this feature off by giving an empty environment variable ${PHASE2}, for example by prefixing the command with PHASE2=.

export PHASE2="${PHASE2-`shnlpath phase2`}"


The tools for shnell all suppose that the source characters set englobes ASCII, and, if they are present, that other characters are encoded with UTF-8. To ease the handling of that we recognize the \uXXXX and \UXXXXXXXX notations from the C standard for Unicode code points. If the tools in the tools-c directory are successfully compiled:

See tokenize for more details on special characters, in particular on operators such as or that are rewritten to their classical C digraphs such as <= or ->.