

part of shnell – a source to source compiler enhancement tool

© Jens Gustedt, 2019

Make a list of variables intern to the TU


#pragma CMOD amned intern NAME0 NAME1 …

This modifies the local names in the list such that they are not retrievable from other TU. For functions and global variables you should usually not use this but declare them static. This is for macros and types that you have to expose in a .h file but which is only for use in the interfaces as you provide them.

If you are paranoid, you could also use this for all parameter and local variable names of inline functions, such that they will not clash with macro names coming from third parties.

Coding and configuration

The following code is needed to enable the sh-module framework.

SRC="$_" . "${0%%/${0##*/}}/"


The following sh-modules are imported:
