

part of shnell – a source to source compiler enhancement tool

© Jens Gustedt, 2018

Evaluate the argument list as the names of POSIX’ getconf configuration

variables and substitue with the value


#pragma CMOD amend getconf [NAME0=]VARIABLE0 [NAME1=]VARIABLE1 ...

Replace meta-variable NAMEx (${NAME0}, ${NAME1} …) by the values of POSIX’ getconf configuration variables VARIABLEx. A leading underscore in such a POSIX configuration variable can be omitted. E.g the POSIX variable _REGEX_VERSION can be refered to as REGEX_VERSION.

If NAMEx= is omitted NAMEx defaults to VARIABLEx.

Two POSIX variables are always caught from the environment, POSIX_VERSION and POSIX2_VERSION. Thus a portable method to ensure that a platform is POSIX is to add

#pragma CMOD amend getconf
static_assert(${POSIX_VERSION} > 0}, "we depend on POSIX interfaces")

On a POSIX platform this should expand to something as

static_assert(200809L > 0}, "we depend on POSIX interfaces");

On other platforms this should be

static_assert(-1L > 0}, "we depend on POSIX interfaces");

POSIX variables could be obtained with the C APIs sysconf and confstr. The first type of variable results in an integer value that is of type long. We add the L integer suffix where we detect an integer value. For variables that are not provided by the platform, the return value is -1.

The second type of variable results in a string. These should not be used with the ${NAMEx} notation but only with #${NAMEx}.


#pragma CMOD amend getconf FALLBACK_PATH=PATH INT_MAX
char fallback[] = #${FALLBACK_PATH};
long int_max[] = ${INT_MAX};

This should be replaced by something similar to

char fallback[] = "/bin:/usr/bin";
long int_max = 2147483647L;

Coding and configuration

The following code is needed to enable the sh-module framework.

SRC="$_" . "${0%%/${0##*/}}/"


The following sh-modules are imported:


See also:



