

part of shnell – a source to source compiler enhancement tool

© Jens Gustedt, 2019

introduce short names for other TU


#pragma CMOD amend alias NAME0[=LNNAME0] NAME1[=LNAME1] …

Replace each short name NAMEx (without ::) with the full name LNAMEx of a TU (which may or may not have ::). This replaces the unsuffixed identifier and also when it is used as a prefix.

The short names NAMEx should not be used for a different purpose in the current TU. The long names LNAMEx can be used several times with different aliases.

If LNAMEx is omitted, NAMEx is used as shortname for the current TU.

Since this directive scans the whole code, it should only appear multiple times in a TU if it is bounded by a done directive.

Coding and configuration

The following code is needed to enable the sh-module framework.

SRC="$_" . "${0%%/${0##*/}}/"


The following sh-modules are imported:
