Modules | Typedefs | Functions

A bunch of types that are derived from the standard types. More...

+ Collaboration diagram for Type Names:


 One token type names
 A bunch of types that are one-token synonyms for standard types.
 bool specials
 bool must be handled specially since it is not a typedef but a macro


typedef cdouble const * cdouble_cptr
 a const pointer to cdouble
typedef cdoublecdouble_ptr
 a pointer to cdouble
typedef cfloat const * cfloat_cptr
 a const pointer to cfloat
typedef cfloatcfloat_ptr
 a pointer to cfloat
typedef char const * char_cptr
 a const pointer to char
typedef char * char_ptr
 a pointer to char
typedef cldouble const * cldouble_cptr
 a const pointer to cldouble
typedef cldoublecldouble_ptr
 a pointer to cldouble
typedef double const * double_cptr
 a const pointer to double
typedef doubledouble_ptr
 a pointer to double
typedef float const * float_cptr
 a const pointer to float
typedef floatfloat_ptr
 a pointer to float
typedef int16_t const * int16_t_cptr
 a const pointer to int16_t
typedef int16_t * int16_t_ptr
 a pointer to int16_t
typedef int32_t const * int32_t_cptr
 a const pointer to int32_t
typedef int32_t * int32_t_ptr
 a pointer to int32_t
typedef int64_t const * int64_t_cptr
 a const pointer to int64_t
typedef int64_t * int64_t_ptr
 a pointer to int64_t
typedef int8_t const * int8_t_cptr
 a const pointer to int8_t
typedef int8_t * int8_t_ptr
 a pointer to int8_t
typedef int const * int_cptr
 a const pointer to int
typedef int * int_ptr
 a pointer to int
typedef intmax_t const * intmax_t_cptr
 a const pointer to intmax_t
typedef intmax_t * intmax_t_ptr
 a pointer to intmax_t
typedef intptr_t const * intptr_t_cptr
 a const pointer to intptr_t
typedef intptr_t * intptr_t_ptr
 a pointer to intptr_t
typedef ldouble const * ldouble_cptr
 a const pointer to ldouble
typedef ldoubleldouble_ptr
 a pointer to ldouble
typedef llong const * llong_cptr
 a const pointer to llong
typedef llongllong_ptr
 a pointer to llong
typedef long const * long_cptr
 a const pointer to long
typedef longlong_ptr
 a pointer to long
typedef ptrdiff_t const * ptrdiff_t_cptr
 a const pointer to ptrdiff_t
typedef ptrdiff_tptrdiff_t_ptr
 a pointer to ptrdiff_t
typedef schar const * schar_cptr
 a const pointer to schar
typedef scharschar_ptr
 a pointer to schar
typedef short const * short_cptr
 a const pointer to short
typedef short * short_ptr
 a pointer to short
typedef signed const * signed_cptr
 a const pointer to signed
typedef signed * signed_ptr
 a pointer to signed
typedef sint const * sint_cptr
 a const pointer to sint
typedef sintsint_ptr
 a pointer to sint
typedef size_t const * size_t_cptr
 a const pointer to size_t
typedef size_t * size_t_ptr
 a pointer to size_t
typedef sllong const * sllong_cptr
 a const pointer to sllong
typedef sllongsllong_ptr
 a pointer to sllong
typedef slong const * slong_cptr
 a const pointer to slong
typedef slongslong_ptr
 a pointer to slong
typedef sshort const * sshort_cptr
 a const pointer to sshort
typedef sshortsshort_ptr
 a pointer to sshort
typedef uchar const * uchar_cptr
 a const pointer to uchar
typedef ucharuchar_ptr
 a pointer to uchar
typedef uint16_t const * uint16_t_cptr
 a const pointer to uint16_t
typedef uint16_t * uint16_t_ptr
 a pointer to uint16_t
typedef uint32_t const * uint32_t_cptr
 a const pointer to uint32_t
typedef uint32_t * uint32_t_ptr
 a pointer to uint32_t
typedef uint64_t const * uint64_t_cptr
 a const pointer to uint64_t
typedef uint64_t * uint64_t_ptr
 a pointer to uint64_t
typedef uint8_t const * uint8_t_cptr
 a const pointer to uint8_t
typedef uint8_t * uint8_t_ptr
 a pointer to uint8_t
typedef uint const * uint_cptr
 a const pointer to uint
typedef uintuint_ptr
 a pointer to uint
typedef uintmax_t const * uintmax_t_cptr
 a const pointer to uintmax_t
typedef uintmax_tuintmax_t_ptr
 a pointer to uintmax_t
typedef uintptr_t const * uintptr_t_cptr
 a const pointer to uintptr_t
typedef uintptr_t * uintptr_t_ptr
 a pointer to uintptr_t
typedef ullong const * ullong_cptr
 a const pointer to ullong
typedef ullongullong_ptr
 a pointer to ullong
typedef ulong const * ulong_cptr
 a const pointer to ulong
typedef ulongulong_ptr
 a pointer to ulong
typedef unsigned const * unsigned_cptr
 a const pointer to unsigned
typedef unsignedunsigned_ptr
 a pointer to unsigned
typedef ushort const * ushort_cptr
 a const pointer to ushort
typedef ushortushort_ptr
 a pointer to ushort
typedef void const * void_cptr
 a const pointer to void
typedef voidvoid_ptr
 a pointer to void


p99_inline void cdouble_destroy (cdouble *p00_id)
 destroy the object that p00_id points to. More...
cdoublecdouble_init (cdouble *p00_id)
 initialize the object that p00_id points to by 0. More...
p99_inline void cfloat_destroy (cfloat *p00_id)
 destroy the object that p00_id points to. More...
cfloatcfloat_init (cfloat *p00_id)
 initialize the object that p00_id points to by 0. More...
p99_inline void char_destroy (char *p00_id)
 destroy the object that p00_id points to. More...
char * char_init (char *p00_id)
 initialize the object that p00_id points to by 0. More...
p99_inline void cldouble_destroy (cldouble *p00_id)
 destroy the object that p00_id points to. More...
cldoublecldouble_init (cldouble *p00_id)
 initialize the object that p00_id points to by 0. More...
p99_inline void double_destroy (double *p00_id)
 destroy the object that p00_id points to. More...
doubledouble_init (double *p00_id)
 initialize the object that p00_id points to by 0. More...
p99_inline void float_destroy (float *p00_id)
 destroy the object that p00_id points to. More...
floatfloat_init (float *p00_id)
 initialize the object that p00_id points to by 0. More...
p99_inline void int16_t_destroy (int16_t *p00_id)
 destroy the object that p00_id points to. More...
int16_t * int16_t_init (int16_t *p00_id)
 initialize the object that p00_id points to by 0. More...
p99_inline void int32_t_destroy (int32_t *p00_id)
 destroy the object that p00_id points to. More...
int32_t * int32_t_init (int32_t *p00_id)
 initialize the object that p00_id points to by 0. More...
p99_inline void int64_t_destroy (int64_t *p00_id)
 destroy the object that p00_id points to. More...
int64_t * int64_t_init (int64_t *p00_id)
 initialize the object that p00_id points to by 0. More...
p99_inline void int8_t_destroy (int8_t *p00_id)
 destroy the object that p00_id points to. More...
int8_t * int8_t_init (int8_t *p00_id)
 initialize the object that p00_id points to by 0. More...
p99_inline void int_destroy (int *p00_id)
 destroy the object that p00_id points to. More...
int * int_init (int *p00_id)
 initialize the object that p00_id points to by 0. More...
p99_inline void intmax_t_destroy (intmax_t *p00_id)
 destroy the object that p00_id points to. More...
intmax_t * intmax_t_init (intmax_t *p00_id)
 initialize the object that p00_id points to by 0. More...
p99_inline void intptr_t_destroy (intptr_t *p00_id)
 destroy the object that p00_id points to. More...
intptr_t * intptr_t_init (intptr_t *p00_id)
 initialize the object that p00_id points to by 0. More...
p99_inline void ldouble_destroy (ldouble *p00_id)
 destroy the object that p00_id points to. More...
ldoubleldouble_init (ldouble *p00_id)
 initialize the object that p00_id points to by 0. More...
p99_inline void llong_destroy (llong *p00_id)
 destroy the object that p00_id points to. More...
llongllong_init (llong *p00_id)
 initialize the object that p00_id points to by 0. More...
p99_inline void long_destroy (long *p00_id)
 destroy the object that p00_id points to. More...
longlong_init (long *p00_id)
 initialize the object that p00_id points to by 0. More...
void P99_PASTE (p00_harmless_declaration_, P99_PLAIN_TYPE, cdouble)(void)
void P99_PASTE (p00_harmless_declaration_, P99_PLAIN_TYPE, cfloat)(void)
void P99_PASTE (p00_harmless_declaration_, P99_PLAIN_TYPE, char)(void)
void P99_PASTE (p00_harmless_declaration_, P99_PLAIN_TYPE, cldouble)(void)
void P99_PASTE (p00_harmless_declaration_, P99_PLAIN_TYPE, double)(void)
void P99_PASTE (p00_harmless_declaration_, P99_PLAIN_TYPE, float)(void)
void P99_PASTE (p00_harmless_declaration_, P99_PLAIN_TYPE, int)(void)
void P99_PASTE (p00_harmless_declaration_, P99_PLAIN_TYPE, int16_t)(void)
void P99_PASTE (p00_harmless_declaration_, P99_PLAIN_TYPE, int32_t)(void)
void P99_PASTE (p00_harmless_declaration_, P99_PLAIN_TYPE, int64_t)(void)
void P99_PASTE (p00_harmless_declaration_, P99_PLAIN_TYPE, int8_t)(void)
void P99_PASTE (p00_harmless_declaration_, P99_PLAIN_TYPE, intmax_t)(void)
void P99_PASTE (p00_harmless_declaration_, P99_PLAIN_TYPE, intptr_t)(void)
void P99_PASTE (p00_harmless_declaration_, P99_PLAIN_TYPE, ldouble)(void)
void P99_PASTE (p00_harmless_declaration_, P99_PLAIN_TYPE, llong)(void)
void P99_PASTE (p00_harmless_declaration_, P99_PLAIN_TYPE, long)(void)
void P99_PASTE (p00_harmless_declaration_, P99_PLAIN_TYPE, P99_PASTE2(cdouble, _cptr))(void)
void P99_PASTE (p00_harmless_declaration_, P99_PLAIN_TYPE, P99_PASTE2(cdouble, _ptr))(void)
void P99_PASTE (p00_harmless_declaration_, P99_PLAIN_TYPE, P99_PASTE2(cfloat, _cptr))(void)
void P99_PASTE (p00_harmless_declaration_, P99_PLAIN_TYPE, P99_PASTE2(cfloat, _ptr))(void)
void P99_PASTE (p00_harmless_declaration_, P99_PLAIN_TYPE, P99_PASTE2(char, _cptr))(void)
void P99_PASTE (p00_harmless_declaration_, P99_PLAIN_TYPE, P99_PASTE2(char, _ptr))(void)
void P99_PASTE (p00_harmless_declaration_, P99_PLAIN_TYPE, P99_PASTE2(cldouble, _cptr))(void)
void P99_PASTE (p00_harmless_declaration_, P99_PLAIN_TYPE, P99_PASTE2(cldouble, _ptr))(void)
void P99_PASTE (p00_harmless_declaration_, P99_PLAIN_TYPE, P99_PASTE2(double, _cptr))(void)
void P99_PASTE (p00_harmless_declaration_, P99_PLAIN_TYPE, P99_PASTE2(double, _ptr))(void)
void P99_PASTE (p00_harmless_declaration_, P99_PLAIN_TYPE, P99_PASTE2(float, _cptr))(void)
void P99_PASTE (p00_harmless_declaration_, P99_PLAIN_TYPE, P99_PASTE2(float, _ptr))(void)
void P99_PASTE (p00_harmless_declaration_, P99_PLAIN_TYPE, P99_PASTE2(int, _cptr))(void)
void P99_PASTE (p00_harmless_declaration_, P99_PLAIN_TYPE, P99_PASTE2(int, _ptr))(void)
void P99_PASTE (p00_harmless_declaration_, P99_PLAIN_TYPE, P99_PASTE2(int16_t, _cptr))(void)
void P99_PASTE (p00_harmless_declaration_, P99_PLAIN_TYPE, P99_PASTE2(int16_t, _ptr))(void)
void P99_PASTE (p00_harmless_declaration_, P99_PLAIN_TYPE, P99_PASTE2(int32_t, _cptr))(void)
void P99_PASTE (p00_harmless_declaration_, P99_PLAIN_TYPE, P99_PASTE2(int32_t, _ptr))(void)
void P99_PASTE (p00_harmless_declaration_, P99_PLAIN_TYPE, P99_PASTE2(int64_t, _cptr))(void)
void P99_PASTE (p00_harmless_declaration_, P99_PLAIN_TYPE, P99_PASTE2(int64_t, _ptr))(void)
void P99_PASTE (p00_harmless_declaration_, P99_PLAIN_TYPE, P99_PASTE2(int8_t, _cptr))(void)
void P99_PASTE (p00_harmless_declaration_, P99_PLAIN_TYPE, P99_PASTE2(int8_t, _ptr))(void)
void P99_PASTE (p00_harmless_declaration_, P99_PLAIN_TYPE, P99_PASTE2(intmax_t, _cptr))(void)
void P99_PASTE (p00_harmless_declaration_, P99_PLAIN_TYPE, P99_PASTE2(intmax_t, _ptr))(void)
void P99_PASTE (p00_harmless_declaration_, P99_PLAIN_TYPE, P99_PASTE2(intptr_t, _cptr))(void)
void P99_PASTE (p00_harmless_declaration_, P99_PLAIN_TYPE, P99_PASTE2(intptr_t, _ptr))(void)
void P99_PASTE (p00_harmless_declaration_, P99_PLAIN_TYPE, P99_PASTE2(ldouble, _cptr))(void)
void P99_PASTE (p00_harmless_declaration_, P99_PLAIN_TYPE, P99_PASTE2(ldouble, _ptr))(void)
void P99_PASTE (p00_harmless_declaration_, P99_PLAIN_TYPE, P99_PASTE2(llong, _cptr))(void)
void P99_PASTE (p00_harmless_declaration_, P99_PLAIN_TYPE, P99_PASTE2(llong, _ptr))(void)
void P99_PASTE (p00_harmless_declaration_, P99_PLAIN_TYPE, P99_PASTE2(long, _cptr))(void)
void P99_PASTE (p00_harmless_declaration_, P99_PLAIN_TYPE, P99_PASTE2(long, _ptr))(void)
void P99_PASTE (p00_harmless_declaration_, P99_PLAIN_TYPE, P99_PASTE2(ptrdiff_t, _cptr))(void)
void P99_PASTE (p00_harmless_declaration_, P99_PLAIN_TYPE, P99_PASTE2(ptrdiff_t, _ptr))(void)
void P99_PASTE (p00_harmless_declaration_, P99_PLAIN_TYPE, P99_PASTE2(schar, _cptr))(void)
void P99_PASTE (p00_harmless_declaration_, P99_PLAIN_TYPE, P99_PASTE2(schar, _ptr))(void)
void P99_PASTE (p00_harmless_declaration_, P99_PLAIN_TYPE, P99_PASTE2(short, _cptr))(void)
void P99_PASTE (p00_harmless_declaration_, P99_PLAIN_TYPE, P99_PASTE2(short, _ptr))(void)
void P99_PASTE (p00_harmless_declaration_, P99_PLAIN_TYPE, P99_PASTE2(signed, _cptr))(void)
void P99_PASTE (p00_harmless_declaration_, P99_PLAIN_TYPE, P99_PASTE2(signed, _ptr))(void)
void P99_PASTE (p00_harmless_declaration_, P99_PLAIN_TYPE, P99_PASTE2(sint, _cptr))(void)
void P99_PASTE (p00_harmless_declaration_, P99_PLAIN_TYPE, P99_PASTE2(sint, _ptr))(void)
void P99_PASTE (p00_harmless_declaration_, P99_PLAIN_TYPE, P99_PASTE2(size_t, _cptr))(void)
void P99_PASTE (p00_harmless_declaration_, P99_PLAIN_TYPE, P99_PASTE2(size_t, _ptr))(void)
void P99_PASTE (p00_harmless_declaration_, P99_PLAIN_TYPE, P99_PASTE2(sllong, _cptr))(void)
void P99_PASTE (p00_harmless_declaration_, P99_PLAIN_TYPE, P99_PASTE2(sllong, _ptr))(void)
void P99_PASTE (p00_harmless_declaration_, P99_PLAIN_TYPE, P99_PASTE2(slong, _cptr))(void)
void P99_PASTE (p00_harmless_declaration_, P99_PLAIN_TYPE, P99_PASTE2(slong, _ptr))(void)
void P99_PASTE (p00_harmless_declaration_, P99_PLAIN_TYPE, P99_PASTE2(uchar, _cptr))(void)
void P99_PASTE (p00_harmless_declaration_, P99_PLAIN_TYPE, P99_PASTE2(uchar, _ptr))(void)
void P99_PASTE (p00_harmless_declaration_, P99_PLAIN_TYPE, P99_PASTE2(uint, _cptr))(void)
void P99_PASTE (p00_harmless_declaration_, P99_PLAIN_TYPE, P99_PASTE2(uint, _ptr))(void)
void P99_PASTE (p00_harmless_declaration_, P99_PLAIN_TYPE, P99_PASTE2(uint16_t, _cptr))(void)
void P99_PASTE (p00_harmless_declaration_, P99_PLAIN_TYPE, P99_PASTE2(uint16_t, _ptr))(void)
void P99_PASTE (p00_harmless_declaration_, P99_PLAIN_TYPE, P99_PASTE2(uint32_t, _cptr))(void)
void P99_PASTE (p00_harmless_declaration_, P99_PLAIN_TYPE, P99_PASTE2(uint32_t, _ptr))(void)
void P99_PASTE (p00_harmless_declaration_, P99_PLAIN_TYPE, P99_PASTE2(uint64_t, _cptr))(void)
void P99_PASTE (p00_harmless_declaration_, P99_PLAIN_TYPE, P99_PASTE2(uint64_t, _ptr))(void)
void P99_PASTE (p00_harmless_declaration_, P99_PLAIN_TYPE, P99_PASTE2(uint8_t, _cptr))(void)
void P99_PASTE (p00_harmless_declaration_, P99_PLAIN_TYPE, P99_PASTE2(uint8_t, _ptr))(void)
void P99_PASTE (p00_harmless_declaration_, P99_PLAIN_TYPE, P99_PASTE2(uintmax_t, _cptr))(void)
void P99_PASTE (p00_harmless_declaration_, P99_PLAIN_TYPE, P99_PASTE2(uintmax_t, _ptr))(void)
void P99_PASTE (p00_harmless_declaration_, P99_PLAIN_TYPE, P99_PASTE2(uintptr_t, _cptr))(void)
void P99_PASTE (p00_harmless_declaration_, P99_PLAIN_TYPE, P99_PASTE2(uintptr_t, _ptr))(void)
void P99_PASTE (p00_harmless_declaration_, P99_PLAIN_TYPE, P99_PASTE2(ullong, _cptr))(void)
void P99_PASTE (p00_harmless_declaration_, P99_PLAIN_TYPE, P99_PASTE2(ullong, _ptr))(void)
void P99_PASTE (p00_harmless_declaration_, P99_PLAIN_TYPE, P99_PASTE2(ulong, _cptr))(void)
void P99_PASTE (p00_harmless_declaration_, P99_PLAIN_TYPE, P99_PASTE2(ulong, _ptr))(void)
void P99_PASTE (p00_harmless_declaration_, P99_PLAIN_TYPE, P99_PASTE2(unsigned, _cptr))(void)
void P99_PASTE (p00_harmless_declaration_, P99_PLAIN_TYPE, P99_PASTE2(unsigned, _ptr))(void)
void P99_PASTE (p00_harmless_declaration_, P99_PLAIN_TYPE, P99_PASTE2(ushort, _cptr))(void)
void P99_PASTE (p00_harmless_declaration_, P99_PLAIN_TYPE, P99_PASTE2(ushort, _ptr))(void)
void P99_PASTE (p00_harmless_declaration_, P99_PLAIN_TYPE, ptrdiff_t)(void)
void P99_PASTE (p00_harmless_declaration_, P99_PLAIN_TYPE, schar)(void)
void P99_PASTE (p00_harmless_declaration_, P99_PLAIN_TYPE, short)(void)
void P99_PASTE (p00_harmless_declaration_, P99_PLAIN_TYPE, signed)(void)
void P99_PASTE (p00_harmless_declaration_, P99_PLAIN_TYPE, sint)(void)
void P99_PASTE (p00_harmless_declaration_, P99_PLAIN_TYPE, size_t)(void)
void P99_PASTE (p00_harmless_declaration_, P99_PLAIN_TYPE, sllong)(void)
void P99_PASTE (p00_harmless_declaration_, P99_PLAIN_TYPE, slong)(void)
void P99_PASTE (p00_harmless_declaration_, P99_PLAIN_TYPE, uchar)(void)
void P99_PASTE (p00_harmless_declaration_, P99_PLAIN_TYPE, uint)(void)
void P99_PASTE (p00_harmless_declaration_, P99_PLAIN_TYPE, uint16_t)(void)
void P99_PASTE (p00_harmless_declaration_, P99_PLAIN_TYPE, uint32_t)(void)
void P99_PASTE (p00_harmless_declaration_, P99_PLAIN_TYPE, uint64_t)(void)
void P99_PASTE (p00_harmless_declaration_, P99_PLAIN_TYPE, uint8_t)(void)
void P99_PASTE (p00_harmless_declaration_, P99_PLAIN_TYPE, uintmax_t)(void)
void P99_PASTE (p00_harmless_declaration_, P99_PLAIN_TYPE, uintptr_t)(void)
void P99_PASTE (p00_harmless_declaration_, P99_PLAIN_TYPE, ullong)(void)
void P99_PASTE (p00_harmless_declaration_, P99_PLAIN_TYPE, ulong)(void)
void P99_PASTE (p00_harmless_declaration_, P99_PLAIN_TYPE, unsigned)(void)
void P99_PASTE (p00_harmless_declaration_, P99_PLAIN_TYPE, ushort)(void)
void P99_PASTE (p00_harmless_declaration_, P99_PLAIN_TYPE, void_cptr)(void)
void P99_PASTE (p00_harmless_declaration_, P99_PLAIN_TYPE, void_ptr)(void)
p99_inline cdouble_cptrP99_PASTE2 (cdouble, _cptr) _init(P99_PASTE2(cdouble
 initialize the object that p00_id points to by 0. More...
p99_inline cdouble_ptrP99_PASTE2 (cdouble, _ptr) _init(P99_PASTE2(cdouble
 initialize the object that p00_id points to by 0. More...
p99_inline cfloat_cptrP99_PASTE2 (cfloat, _cptr) _init(P99_PASTE2(cfloat
 initialize the object that p00_id points to by 0. More...
p99_inline cfloat_ptrP99_PASTE2 (cfloat, _ptr) _init(P99_PASTE2(cfloat
 initialize the object that p00_id points to by 0. More...
p99_inline char_cptrP99_PASTE2 (char, _cptr) _init(P99_PASTE2(char
 initialize the object that p00_id points to by 0. More...
p99_inline char_ptrP99_PASTE2 (char, _ptr) _init(P99_PASTE2(char
 initialize the object that p00_id points to by 0. More...
p99_inline cldouble_cptrP99_PASTE2 (cldouble, _cptr) _init(P99_PASTE2(cldouble
 initialize the object that p00_id points to by 0. More...
p99_inline cldouble_ptrP99_PASTE2 (cldouble, _ptr) _init(P99_PASTE2(cldouble
 initialize the object that p00_id points to by 0. More...
p99_inline double_cptrP99_PASTE2 (double, _cptr) _init(P99_PASTE2(double
 initialize the object that p00_id points to by 0. More...
p99_inline double_ptrP99_PASTE2 (double, _ptr) _init(P99_PASTE2(double
 initialize the object that p00_id points to by 0. More...
p99_inline float_cptrP99_PASTE2 (float, _cptr) _init(P99_PASTE2(float
 initialize the object that p00_id points to by 0. More...
p99_inline float_ptrP99_PASTE2 (float, _ptr) _init(P99_PASTE2(float
 initialize the object that p00_id points to by 0. More...
p99_inline int_cptrP99_PASTE2 (int, _cptr) _init(P99_PASTE2(int
 initialize the object that p00_id points to by 0. More...
p99_inline int_ptrP99_PASTE2 (int, _ptr) _init(P99_PASTE2(int
 initialize the object that p00_id points to by 0. More...
p99_inline int16_t_cptrP99_PASTE2 (int16_t, _cptr) _init(P99_PASTE2(int16_t
 initialize the object that p00_id points to by 0. More...
p99_inline int16_t_ptrP99_PASTE2 (int16_t, _ptr) _init(P99_PASTE2(int16_t
 initialize the object that p00_id points to by 0. More...
p99_inline int32_t_cptrP99_PASTE2 (int32_t, _cptr) _init(P99_PASTE2(int32_t
 initialize the object that p00_id points to by 0. More...
p99_inline int32_t_ptrP99_PASTE2 (int32_t, _ptr) _init(P99_PASTE2(int32_t
 initialize the object that p00_id points to by 0. More...
p99_inline int64_t_cptrP99_PASTE2 (int64_t, _cptr) _init(P99_PASTE2(int64_t
 initialize the object that p00_id points to by 0. More...
p99_inline int64_t_ptrP99_PASTE2 (int64_t, _ptr) _init(P99_PASTE2(int64_t
 initialize the object that p00_id points to by 0. More...
p99_inline int8_t_cptrP99_PASTE2 (int8_t, _cptr) _init(P99_PASTE2(int8_t
 initialize the object that p00_id points to by 0. More...
p99_inline int8_t_ptrP99_PASTE2 (int8_t, _ptr) _init(P99_PASTE2(int8_t
 initialize the object that p00_id points to by 0. More...
p99_inline intmax_t_cptrP99_PASTE2 (intmax_t, _cptr) _init(P99_PASTE2(intmax_t
 initialize the object that p00_id points to by 0. More...
p99_inline intmax_t_ptrP99_PASTE2 (intmax_t, _ptr) _init(P99_PASTE2(intmax_t
 initialize the object that p00_id points to by 0. More...
p99_inline intptr_t_cptrP99_PASTE2 (intptr_t, _cptr) _init(P99_PASTE2(intptr_t
 initialize the object that p00_id points to by 0. More...
p99_inline intptr_t_ptrP99_PASTE2 (intptr_t, _ptr) _init(P99_PASTE2(intptr_t
 initialize the object that p00_id points to by 0. More...
p99_inline ldouble_cptrP99_PASTE2 (ldouble, _cptr) _init(P99_PASTE2(ldouble
 initialize the object that p00_id points to by 0. More...
p99_inline ldouble_ptrP99_PASTE2 (ldouble, _ptr) _init(P99_PASTE2(ldouble
 initialize the object that p00_id points to by 0. More...
p99_inline llong_cptrP99_PASTE2 (llong, _cptr) _init(P99_PASTE2(llong
 initialize the object that p00_id points to by 0. More...
p99_inline llong_ptrP99_PASTE2 (llong, _ptr) _init(P99_PASTE2(llong
 initialize the object that p00_id points to by 0. More...
p99_inline long_cptrP99_PASTE2 (long, _cptr) _init(P99_PASTE2(long
 initialize the object that p00_id points to by 0. More...
p99_inline long_ptrP99_PASTE2 (long, _ptr) _init(P99_PASTE2(long
 initialize the object that p00_id points to by 0. More...
p99_inline ptrdiff_t_cptrP99_PASTE2 (ptrdiff_t, _cptr) _init(P99_PASTE2(ptrdiff_t
 initialize the object that p00_id points to by 0. More...
p99_inline ptrdiff_t_ptrP99_PASTE2 (ptrdiff_t, _ptr) _init(P99_PASTE2(ptrdiff_t
 initialize the object that p00_id points to by 0. More...
p99_inline schar_cptrP99_PASTE2 (schar, _cptr) _init(P99_PASTE2(schar
 initialize the object that p00_id points to by 0. More...
p99_inline schar_ptrP99_PASTE2 (schar, _ptr) _init(P99_PASTE2(schar
 initialize the object that p00_id points to by 0. More...
p99_inline short_cptrP99_PASTE2 (short, _cptr) _init(P99_PASTE2(short
 initialize the object that p00_id points to by 0. More...
p99_inline short_ptrP99_PASTE2 (short, _ptr) _init(P99_PASTE2(short
 initialize the object that p00_id points to by 0. More...
p99_inline signed_cptrP99_PASTE2 (signed, _cptr) _init(P99_PASTE2(signed
 initialize the object that p00_id points to by 0. More...
p99_inline signed_ptrP99_PASTE2 (signed, _ptr) _init(P99_PASTE2(signed
 initialize the object that p00_id points to by 0. More...
p99_inline sint_cptrP99_PASTE2 (sint, _cptr) _init(P99_PASTE2(sint
 initialize the object that p00_id points to by 0. More...
p99_inline sint_ptrP99_PASTE2 (sint, _ptr) _init(P99_PASTE2(sint
 initialize the object that p00_id points to by 0. More...
p99_inline size_t_cptrP99_PASTE2 (size_t, _cptr) _init(P99_PASTE2(size_t
 initialize the object that p00_id points to by 0. More...
p99_inline size_t_ptrP99_PASTE2 (size_t, _ptr) _init(P99_PASTE2(size_t
 initialize the object that p00_id points to by 0. More...
p99_inline sllong_cptrP99_PASTE2 (sllong, _cptr) _init(P99_PASTE2(sllong
 initialize the object that p00_id points to by 0. More...
p99_inline sllong_ptrP99_PASTE2 (sllong, _ptr) _init(P99_PASTE2(sllong
 initialize the object that p00_id points to by 0. More...
p99_inline slong_cptrP99_PASTE2 (slong, _cptr) _init(P99_PASTE2(slong
 initialize the object that p00_id points to by 0. More...
p99_inline slong_ptrP99_PASTE2 (slong, _ptr) _init(P99_PASTE2(slong
 initialize the object that p00_id points to by 0. More...
p99_inline uchar_cptrP99_PASTE2 (uchar, _cptr) _init(P99_PASTE2(uchar
 initialize the object that p00_id points to by 0. More...
p99_inline uchar_ptrP99_PASTE2 (uchar, _ptr) _init(P99_PASTE2(uchar
 initialize the object that p00_id points to by 0. More...
p99_inline uint_cptrP99_PASTE2 (uint, _cptr) _init(P99_PASTE2(uint
 initialize the object that p00_id points to by 0. More...
p99_inline uint_ptrP99_PASTE2 (uint, _ptr) _init(P99_PASTE2(uint
 initialize the object that p00_id points to by 0. More...
p99_inline uint16_t_cptrP99_PASTE2 (uint16_t, _cptr) _init(P99_PASTE2(uint16_t
 initialize the object that p00_id points to by 0. More...
p99_inline uint16_t_ptrP99_PASTE2 (uint16_t, _ptr) _init(P99_PASTE2(uint16_t
 initialize the object that p00_id points to by 0. More...
p99_inline uint32_t_cptrP99_PASTE2 (uint32_t, _cptr) _init(P99_PASTE2(uint32_t
 initialize the object that p00_id points to by 0. More...
p99_inline uint32_t_ptrP99_PASTE2 (uint32_t, _ptr) _init(P99_PASTE2(uint32_t
 initialize the object that p00_id points to by 0. More...
p99_inline uint64_t_cptrP99_PASTE2 (uint64_t, _cptr) _init(P99_PASTE2(uint64_t
 initialize the object that p00_id points to by 0. More...
p99_inline uint64_t_ptrP99_PASTE2 (uint64_t, _ptr) _init(P99_PASTE2(uint64_t
 initialize the object that p00_id points to by 0. More...
p99_inline uint8_t_cptrP99_PASTE2 (uint8_t, _cptr) _init(P99_PASTE2(uint8_t
 initialize the object that p00_id points to by 0. More...
p99_inline uint8_t_ptrP99_PASTE2 (uint8_t, _ptr) _init(P99_PASTE2(uint8_t
 initialize the object that p00_id points to by 0. More...
p99_inline uintmax_t_cptrP99_PASTE2 (uintmax_t, _cptr) _init(P99_PASTE2(uintmax_t
 initialize the object that p00_id points to by 0. More...
p99_inline uintmax_t_ptrP99_PASTE2 (uintmax_t, _ptr) _init(P99_PASTE2(uintmax_t
 initialize the object that p00_id points to by 0. More...
p99_inline uintptr_t_cptrP99_PASTE2 (uintptr_t, _cptr) _init(P99_PASTE2(uintptr_t
 initialize the object that p00_id points to by 0. More...
p99_inline uintptr_t_ptrP99_PASTE2 (uintptr_t, _ptr) _init(P99_PASTE2(uintptr_t
 initialize the object that p00_id points to by 0. More...
p99_inline ullong_cptrP99_PASTE2 (ullong, _cptr) _init(P99_PASTE2(ullong
 initialize the object that p00_id points to by 0. More...
p99_inline ullong_ptrP99_PASTE2 (ullong, _ptr) _init(P99_PASTE2(ullong
 initialize the object that p00_id points to by 0. More...
p99_inline ulong_cptrP99_PASTE2 (ulong, _cptr) _init(P99_PASTE2(ulong
 initialize the object that p00_id points to by 0. More...
p99_inline ulong_ptrP99_PASTE2 (ulong, _ptr) _init(P99_PASTE2(ulong
 initialize the object that p00_id points to by 0. More...
p99_inline unsigned_cptrP99_PASTE2 (unsigned, _cptr) _init(P99_PASTE2(unsigned
 initialize the object that p00_id points to by 0. More...
p99_inline unsigned_ptrP99_PASTE2 (unsigned, _ptr) _init(P99_PASTE2(unsigned
 initialize the object that p00_id points to by 0. More...
p99_inline ushort_cptrP99_PASTE2 (ushort, _cptr) _init(P99_PASTE2(ushort
 initialize the object that p00_id points to by 0. More...
p99_inline ushort_ptrP99_PASTE2 (ushort, _ptr) _init(P99_PASTE2(ushort
 initialize the object that p00_id points to by 0. More...
p99_inline void ptrdiff_t_destroy (ptrdiff_t *p00_id)
 destroy the object that p00_id points to. More...
ptrdiff_tptrdiff_t_init (ptrdiff_t *p00_id)
 initialize the object that p00_id points to by 0. More...
p99_inline void schar_destroy (schar *p00_id)
 destroy the object that p00_id points to. More...
scharschar_init (schar *p00_id)
 initialize the object that p00_id points to by 0. More...
p99_inline void short_destroy (short *p00_id)
 destroy the object that p00_id points to. More...
short * short_init (short *p00_id)
 initialize the object that p00_id points to by 0. More...
p99_inline void signed_destroy (signed *p00_id)
 destroy the object that p00_id points to. More...
signed * signed_init (signed *p00_id)
 initialize the object that p00_id points to by 0. More...
p99_inline void sint_destroy (sint *p00_id)
 destroy the object that p00_id points to. More...
sintsint_init (sint *p00_id)
 initialize the object that p00_id points to by 0. More...
p99_inline void size_t_destroy (size_t *p00_id)
 destroy the object that p00_id points to. More...
size_t * size_t_init (size_t *p00_id)
 initialize the object that p00_id points to by 0. More...
p99_inline void sllong_destroy (sllong *p00_id)
 destroy the object that p00_id points to. More...
sllongsllong_init (sllong *p00_id)
 initialize the object that p00_id points to by 0. More...
p99_inline void slong_destroy (slong *p00_id)
 destroy the object that p00_id points to. More...
slongslong_init (slong *p00_id)
 initialize the object that p00_id points to by 0. More...
p99_inline void uchar_destroy (uchar *p00_id)
 destroy the object that p00_id points to. More...
ucharuchar_init (uchar *p00_id)
 initialize the object that p00_id points to by 0. More...
p99_inline void uint16_t_destroy (uint16_t *p00_id)
 destroy the object that p00_id points to. More...
uint16_t * uint16_t_init (uint16_t *p00_id)
 initialize the object that p00_id points to by 0. More...
p99_inline void uint32_t_destroy (uint32_t *p00_id)
 destroy the object that p00_id points to. More...
uint32_t * uint32_t_init (uint32_t *p00_id)
 initialize the object that p00_id points to by 0. More...
p99_inline void uint64_t_destroy (uint64_t *p00_id)
 destroy the object that p00_id points to. More...
uint64_t * uint64_t_init (uint64_t *p00_id)
 initialize the object that p00_id points to by 0. More...
p99_inline void uint8_t_destroy (uint8_t *p00_id)
 destroy the object that p00_id points to. More...
uint8_t * uint8_t_init (uint8_t *p00_id)
 initialize the object that p00_id points to by 0. More...
p99_inline void uint_destroy (uint *p00_id)
 destroy the object that p00_id points to. More...
uintuint_init (uint *p00_id)
 initialize the object that p00_id points to by 0. More...
p99_inline void uintmax_t_destroy (uintmax_t *p00_id)
 destroy the object that p00_id points to. More...
uintmax_tuintmax_t_init (uintmax_t *p00_id)
 initialize the object that p00_id points to by 0. More...
p99_inline void uintptr_t_destroy (uintptr_t *p00_id)
 destroy the object that p00_id points to. More...
uintptr_t * uintptr_t_init (uintptr_t *p00_id)
 initialize the object that p00_id points to by 0. More...
p99_inline void ullong_destroy (ullong *p00_id)
 destroy the object that p00_id points to. More...
ullongullong_init (ullong *p00_id)
 initialize the object that p00_id points to by 0. More...
p99_inline void ulong_destroy (ulong *p00_id)
 destroy the object that p00_id points to. More...
ulongulong_init (ulong *p00_id)
 initialize the object that p00_id points to by 0. More...
p99_inline void unsigned_destroy (unsigned *p00_id)
 destroy the object that p00_id points to. More...
unsignedunsigned_init (unsigned *p00_id)
 initialize the object that p00_id points to by 0. More...
p99_inline void ushort_destroy (ushort *p00_id)
 destroy the object that p00_id points to. More...
ushortushort_init (ushort *p00_id)
 initialize the object that p00_id points to by 0. More...
p99_inline void void_cptr_destroy (void_cptr *p00_id)
 destroy the object that p00_id points to. More...
void_cptrvoid_cptr_init (void_cptr *p00_id)
 initialize the object that p00_id points to by 0. More...
p99_inline void void_ptr_destroy (void_ptr *p00_id)
 destroy the object that p00_id points to. More...
void_ptrvoid_ptr_init (void_ptr *p00_id)
 initialize the object that p00_id points to by 0. More...

Detailed Description

A bunch of types that are derived from the standard types.

This is not included by default in p99.h